How do we source our products at Tụrụ?
This is our first official blog post, and we are excited! And anxious. And nervous. And also have a lot to say. But let us start by saying welcome, and thank you.
Welcome to our new home. We are more than happy to have you. Thank you for supporting us, rooting for us, shopping with us, and stopping by. We hope that this becomes your home too, and that you find all you need for your skincare and beauty journey here.
The first thing we would like to talk about is how we source our products. From CeraVe to Good Molecules to Palmer's to The Ordinary to Paula's Choice and even Victoria's Secret, how do we source them and bring them into Nigeria?
When we started Tụrụ, the most important thing to us was, and still is, bringing in authentic foreign products. This was prioritised over affordability or popularity. We wanted to bring in 100% authentic products straight from the manufacturers to you. No middleman, no shortcuts.
At first, a friend living in the U.S. helped us purchase these products directly from the manufacturers. When the products arrived and people used them, there was a remarkable difference. And through word of mouth, our business grew. It grew to the point where we could no longer rely on our amazing friend to purchase these products for us.
The demand was increasing. We knew we had to import the products ourselves, so we decided to contact these companies to begin buying directly from them. How hard could it be, right?
Well, the first few months were nerve-wracking because most of these companies do not accept payments from cards issued in Nigeria. Some do not even allow locations outside the U.S. to access their U.S. website. Their websites would automatically block or redirect you.
If you used a VPN to access their site and place your order, they would accept your payment; then, hours later, they would refund your money and ban your account. It was an uphill climb. Many alternatives arose, but we stuck to our guns; we would only buy directly from manufacturers in the U.S. It was that or nothing.
It took a lot of time, hundreds of emails and phone calls, sending proof of identification multiple times, and providing several financial details before we were finally able to pay.
So that is how we source your products. We don't use middlemen. We don't buy from distributors. We don't buy Chinese, German, or other variants of those products. We buy directly from the American brands you know and love.
You can rest assured knowing that the products you buy from us are not only authentic but also of the highest possible quality on the global market.
You may be thinking, "Talk is cheap. Everyone claims their product is authentic, so how can I be sure of its authenticity?"
Two words: batch code!
We will discuss batch codes, how to check them, and other ways to verify the authenticity of our products in our next blog post next week. Keep a date with us here.
And once again, thank you and WELCOME!